Wednesday, May 9, 2007



This is alex ong here or in other names my friends call me suki ^^
this is my first blog so i don think i have allot to say you can add me in friendster n msn if u wan at

i never wrote any blog before so i m trying to get some experience from it cause i have some friends that loves to write blogs allot ^^

i will try to update my blog every day if its posible...........

thats all for today...........


Chee Hsien said...

fuck you!! haha

Unknown said...

wah.. chee hsien ar.. damn rude,,

suki, u nv write blog b4 meh? lolzz

alexsuki said...

never write la 1st time already got ppl wan F**k me liau a how le

Unknown said...

how? f*ck him back lar! right on his as*hole.. lolzz